LED light therapy is a natural and completely non-invasive beauty treatment for all ages, skin types, and skin tones. It's fantastic for all-round skin health, delivering energy into the skin's cells to boost collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. 

A course of 6-8 treatments are recommended for LED light therapy to improve your cellular function and be effective long term. A one off treatment will give you an instant glow and supercharge your skin treatment however results are accumulative and need to be performed once or ideally twice a week for optimal results. 

Red LED light is proven to kick start cell regeneration and stimulate the cells responsible for new collagen & elastin leaving the skin smoother and firmer and reducing scars. Also helps to boost blood circulation, strengthen and detox the skin.

Perfect for clients concerned with fine lines and wrinkles, broken capillaries, sensitive skins,  dull or uneven skins, increasing hydration and revitalising and radiance.

Blue LED light has been proven to reduce acne breakouts, this beneficial blue light kills acne causing bacteria Pacne which are responsible for causing inflammation in the skin. These bacteria are sensitive to blue light hence why the treatment delivers great results.

This light is combined with red and infra-red light which also help to shrink the oil gland leading to less oil and bacteria. The skin looks calmer and breakouts are reduced.

Great for all types of breakouts, acne and Rosacea.